Week of October 17, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Revelation 19:1-10
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
  1. How should a passage like Revelation 19:1-10 help to shape the way we both view and participate in the way we gather together with the church and worship now?


  1. Read v. 7-8 and then Philippians 2:12-13 together. How do these passages help us understand what it looks like to get ready for what is coming in Revelation 19?


  1. How does Revelation 19:1-10 help us to understand just how dangerous and evil idolatry truly is? How does our culture push us toward idolatry, both in what the world offers and in being captivated by the messenger of the Word?


Week of October 10, 2021


This Week’s Passages: 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Peter 5:1-11

Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!


KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?

In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:

I never knew…

I was reminded…

A question I still have…

I was challenged…

I was convicted…

A truth I could share is…

I was encouraged to…

I need to dig deeper into…


BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?

In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:

Is there a command to obey?

How am I compelled to exalt God?

Is there a promise to claim?

Is there a principle to follow?

Is there an example to follow?

Am I convicted to confess any sin?

Is there a sin to avoid?

How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?

How can I pray for someone else?

What am I compelled to love or desire?


DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?

In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.

  1. Read Ephesians 4:11-16 together. How should we pray for our leaders in light of this passage? How should we pray for the Body in light of this passage? How might you pray for yourself? For the others in your group?


  1. Read 1 Peter 5:1-11. Same questions from above.


  1. Spend some time praying with your group, beginning with the prompts you have identified from the 2 passages above. Close your time by praying specifically for Gary, for Scott, and for their families as they enter this new season of leadership. Pray also for Joel, Nancy, and their families as they prepare to enter a new season as well.




Week of October 3, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
  1. Some would consider the qualifications for Deacon to be a high bar. The reality is that it’s really just a definition for a faithful Christian. Why are these qualifications important? Is there one that is especially convicting for you?


  1. All believers are called to serve others. What is your position toward service? To receive or to give?


  1. How can you help your Deacon serve you? How can you come along side your Deacon and serve with him?


  1. Please spend time praying for your Deacon. Pray also for God’s wisdom and guidance for the new Deacon selection.


Week of September 26, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Revelation 18
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
  1. Can you share an instance or situation in your life when you experienced the failure of sin to provide lasting joy, security, or sufficiency?


  1. How do Christians heed the warning of 18:4 without separating entirely from non-Christians or the culture? In what ways should we consistently assess our attachment to or affections of the world?


  1. How is our heart revealed by what we weep over? What causes you to weep? How does a deeper walk with God in his Word align our hearts with the hearts of God? Why is this so important in shaping the way we live in our world?


Week of September 19, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Revelation 17
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
  1. When examining your own heart, what are some of the things of this world that tend to distract you from God and his good plan?


  1. The Kingdom of the beast cannot last. It fails to deliver on its promises of domination and victory. How have you seen the empty promises of sin and rebellion lead to ruin? In your own life? In our culture?


  1. What comes to mind when you hear the word vigilant? Read Proverbs 4:23 together and discuss how our real pursuit of this verse’s exhortation should look in our lives. How does Revelation 17 highlight the urgency of this task?


Week of September 5, 2021

This Week’s Passage: Revelation 16
Use this daily guide to help you internalize this week’s passage & message!
KNOW: What does God intend for me to know?
In a journal, use the following prompts to write some truths that stood out from this week’s message:
I never knew…
I was reminded…
A question I still have…
I was challenged…
I was convicted…
A truth I could share is…
I was encouraged to…
I need to dig deeper into…
BE (CONSIDER): What does God’s Word lead me to prayerfully consider?
In your journal, use the following questions to write some prompts to use n praying through this week’s passage:
Is there a command to obey?
How am I compelled to exalt God?
Is there a promise to claim?
Is there a principle to follow?
Is there an example to follow?
Am I convicted to confess any sin?
Is there a sin to avoid?
How do I need to rest in Jesus/the gospel?
How can I pray for someone else?
What am I compelled to love or desire?
DO (YIELD): How does God’s Word Call me to yield my life?
In your journal, write your answers and thoughts in response to the following questions.
  1. How has our study in Revelation challenged or even perhaps changed your perspective of reality? Of our future and our future hope? Of the gospel?


  1. What about this study through Revelation 16 reiterates the necessity of frequently preaching the gospel to ourselves?


  1. How should this chapter in particular help us understand the mercy and grace of God? What should be our response?