Week of January 24, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How does Jesus’ eternality help provide comfort to those who are experiencing persecution or opposition? What about to us as we face difficulty and opposition?
- How does this passage speak to the fear that is so pervasive in our culture today? In the midst of that fear, what about the believer’s life should stand out?
- How does the unveiling of reality, as sobering and difficult as it may be to see, comfort those who are in Christ? How should we as Christians be agents of reality in a world that is darkened and broken?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of January 17, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- How would you explain the difference between knowing a lot aboutGod and knowing God? What is the danger of a pursuit of the former without the pursuit of the latter?
- How can moralism and/or legalism quench our affection for God and our affection for others? How do we balance pursuing both truth (doctrinal fidelity) and mission (authentic gospel love for others)?
How are you guarding against falling away from a flourishing primary love for Christ? How can
- we do that better together?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of January 10, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- In what way is suffering and persecution a corporate event? What does it mean to be partners with those who are being persecuted and suffering?
- What is most striking to you about the portrait of Jesus as seen in verses 13-16? Why?
- In what ways does the reality that is unveiled for us in this first vision of Jesus clarify for us the truth of his identity, our lives, and the nature of the world? How does this reality comfort us?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

2020 Hindsight? (January Newsletter)


Week of January 3, 2021

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- What would you say is your greatest anticipation and your greatest question as we begin this study of Revelation?
- What does it mean to have the expectation of the imminent return of Christ? How does this affect the way we live?
- Verse 8 contains several names for God. What do these names mean for you in your Christian walk?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?

Week of December 27, 2020

- Select a portion of this week’s sermon passage to memorize this week.
- Write your selected portion and read it to yourself throughout the day today.
Tuesday [Be]:
In a journal, spend some time meditating and writing about the following:
- Read the sermon passage again.
- Write a prayer of response, guided by the sermon passage. (May include adoration, confession/repentance, thanksgiving, petition, etc.).
- Write your selected portion of the Scripture several times to aid in memorization.
Wednesday [BE>DO]:
Think about this week’s questions for group discussion.
- What evidence do we find in the Gospels of the full humanity of Christ, and what comfort/encouragement should that give us? Re: John 1:14, Luke 2:7, 2:40, Matthew 4:2, 27:50
- What evidence do we find in Scripture of the full deity of Christ, and what comfort/encouragement should that give us?
- What major take-aways have you gained from our study of the genealogy of Jesus and how will that impact your walk with Christ and your witness to others?
Thursday [DO]:
In a journal, spend some time considering the following:
- What insights have you had while internalizing this week’s passage?
- How specifically will you seek to apply its truths in your home/workplace/life in general?