Brett Carver will be joining us tonight for our Student Worship time. We have committed to help run the elementary club coming up on Saturday, November 14. That will take place on that day from 10am to 3pm. He will be sharing about that day and how he would like for us to serve. It will be a great challenge and time of equipping, regardless of whether students will be able to help that day or not. But I will also be getting commitments from those who can tonight. So please discuss whether or not your student(s) can commit tonight prior to coming. Parents are invited to come volunteer, too! Tonight, EVERYONE will share in planning some aspects of that day.
After Brett shares we will have a longer small group time. Since we will not have a message, small groups will spend some time working through a bookmark that I’ve given out walking through 6 elements that go into answering the question “How is your soul?”
I’ll send out a follow up tonight to remind you to walk through those 6 elements with them and follow up on their discussion throughout the coming week!