Questions for the New Year
Approaching the beginning of a new year always seems to heighten our awareness for the need for self-assessment. On the one hand, we are optimistic as we look to a fresh start. On the other, we are prone to realize changes that need to take place in our lives by looking backward in order to pursue the potential that optimistic outlook paints for us. We are all well acquainted with the idea of resolution-making, and especially the failure it has yielded! But what about spiritually? How should we appropriately reflect on our journey over the last 12 months? How should we think through new commitments for the next 12? Instead of sermon reflection this week, here instead is a short guide to help you answer these questions. Whether you simply consider them in your own heart or discuss them with family or a small group, take some time to think and pray through these questions as we prepare to flip the calendar to 2023.
(Some of these questions come from Dr. Don Whitney)
Relationship with God
What is one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?
What is one area of theology that you might dig into in order to grow in your knowledge of God?
How will you plan to consistently abide in God’s presence during this upcoming year?
In what spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and how?
What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life this year?
Who will you walk consistently with for the purpose of pressing each other more deeply into Christ?
In what way(s) do you plan to grow in knowledge through reading/studying this year?
What is the single biggest time-waster in your life, and what will you do about it this year?
What is the single most important thing you could do to help your family flourish this year?
In what relationships will you consistently invest by encouraging and blessing in a generous way?
For whose salvation will you most fervently pray, and how will you consistently point them to Jesus?
Covenant Church Membership
What are a few ways that you will consistently pray for the life and mission of our church?
How will you personally pursue the above things with your time, ability, finances, etc.?
How is God leading you to consistently give financially during 2023?
Are there any areas of church life in which you need to make a new or a renewed commitment?